Despite his superior skill as a painter, little is known about Coste as many of the factory records relating to him were destroyed by fire at the end of the 19th Century. However, a plaque depicting a lush floral still life and signed coste d'aprez Vandael and Mre de Dihl was formerly in the Castille Collection and is illustrated by Anne Lajoix, 'Tableaux Pricieux en Porcelaine', L'estampille-Objet d'Art, No. 247, May 1991, p. 121.
Another plaque by Coste, similar in decoration to the Castille Collection example, was sold Christie's London, 27 June 2005, lot 119 (#66,000).
Another plaque by Coste, similar in decoration to the Castille Collection example, was sold Christie's London, 27 June 2005, lot 119 (#66,000).