Thomas and Doris Ammanna珍藏晚间拍卖

On 9 May, Christie’s will present a dedicated Evening Sale of works from The Collection of Thomas and Doris Ammann. This sale will be the first of two live auctions dedicated to this phenomenal collection this spring. Doris and Thomas were siblings and cofounders of Thomas Ammann Fine Art. Throughout their lives, the brother-sister duo became indisputable leaders in the art world, leading artistic endeavours with passionate expertise.
The Evening Sale offers a curated selection of 36 masterpieces by leading artists of the 20th century, each exemplifying the refined taste of the collectors. Headlining the sale is the iconic Shot Sage Blue Marilyn by Andy Warhol — poised to be the most expensive 20th century work to sell at auction. Further highlights include masterpieces by Robert Ryman, Francesco Clemente, Sturtevant and Cy Twombly.
All of the Foundation’s proceeds from the sales will benefit the Thomas and Doris Ammann Foundation, a newly established organisation dedicated to improving the lives of children worldwide.
White Glove