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Le 10 avril prochain, Christie’s Paris tiendra sa vente annuelle intitulée Art Impressionniste et Moderne, qui présentera des huiles, œuvres sur papier et sculptures provenant de nombreuses collections particulières prestigieuses, chacune mettant en avant un goût raffiné et singulier pour l’art impressionniste et moderne.

Parmi les œuvres phares de la vente figurent des œuvres emblématiques de Pablo PicassoMarc ChagallRaoul Dufy et des huiles très recherchées exécutées par les plus grands maîtres du mouvement néo-impressionniste à l’instar de Théo van Rysselberghe, Henri Martin ou encore Henri Lebasque.

Parmi les autres fleurons de la vente figurent des redécouvertes de Félix Vallotton, célébrant le centenaire de l’artiste cette année, ainsi qu’une toile majeure d’Édouard Vuillard, des compositions emblématiques de Piet Mondrian et de Kazimir Malevich et bien d’autres œuvres seront à découvrir pendant notre exposition qui ouvrira le 2 avril prochain.


On 10 April, Christie’s Paris will present Art Impressionniste et Moderne, an exciting auction encompassing impressionist and modern paintings, works on paper and sculptures. The majority of works in this auction come from distinguished private collections, each showcasing a different collecting perspective, but at the same time, an equally refined taste for Impressionist and modern art.

The sale is led by emblematic works by Pablo PicassoMarc ChagallRaoul Dufy and many sought-after compositions by masters of Neo-Impressionism such as Théo van Rysselberghe, Henri Martin or Henri Lebasque.

Other highlights of the sale include rediscoveries by Félix Vallotton, celebrating the artist’s centenary as well as a major painting by Edouard Vuillard, iconic compositions by Piet Mondrian and Kazimir Malevich, and many others to discover during our viewing that will open on 2 April.


4月10日 下午02:00 (欧洲中部夏令时间) 拍品 301-413


Brought to you by

Léa Bloch

Léa Bloch

Specialist, Head of Sale | Impressionist & Modern Art

Léa Bloch is Associate Specialist and Head of Sale at the Impressionist and Modern Art department, based in Paris.

Léa’s role as Head of Sale sees her sourcing business and developing client relationships throughout Europe, advising on consignments, acquisitions and appraisals across the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since taking over responsibility for the Art Impressionniste et Moderne sale, Léa has overseen the sale of a number of record breaking works including the sale of the Edgar Degas oil, Danseuses (Les coulisses de l'Opéra), sold for 6,101,500€, three times its pre-sale estimate, setting a new auction record in France for the artist.

Léa has overseen the first Impressionist auction ever to take place in Hong Kong, the sale of the private collection of Claude Monet, in 2017 and in 2021, she co-organized the “Women in Art” sale, first sale dedicated to women artists to ever take place in France.

Additionally, Léa has a particular focus on provenance research during the Nazi-era, working closely with the Restitution Department.

Léa first joined Christie’s Impressionist and Modern Art department in 2015. She was responsible for cataloguing and researching all the Impressionist and Modern Art sales in Paris and assisting with drafting proposals for consignments and providing clients with valuations.

Léa holds a master’s degree in Law and Economics from the Paris Dauphine University and a bachelor’s degree in History of Art and Archeology from La Sorbonne University, with a focus on 19th and 20th Century Art.
Antoine Lebouteiller

Antoine Lebouteiller

Head of Department | Impressionist & Modern Art

Antoine Lebouteiller is the Head of the Impressionist and Modern Art department at Christie’s France. Antoine first joined Christie’s in 2009 in Paris, and has worked since 2013 at the London office as a Specialist for the Day and Works on Paper sales and later as Director and Senior Specialist for the Evening Sale. In December 2018, he rejoined the Paris team, leading the Avant-Garde and Works on Paper Sales.

Antoine worked closely with Deputy Chairman Olivier Camu on the Art of the Surreal evening auctions and was instrumental in the record-breaking sale of the Claudel bronze group in June 2018. Furthermore, he played a seminal role for many acquisitions by major international institutions, including an important Paul Gauguin ceramic acquired by the Musée d’Orsay during the October 2018 Unbreakable sale, of which he was the Impressionist lead.





