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As the pinnacle of the 20th/21st Century Art week this spring in Paris, the much-anticipated Christie’s Evening Sale will be held on 9 April. Led by outstanding works by three of the greatest names of modern art, Marc ChagallRené Magritte and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Fresh to the market, the Impressionist and modern art section also comprises of a hand-picked selection of museum-quality paintings, from Gustave Caillebotte to Kees van Dongen, from Odilon Redon to Léon Spilliaert, from Max Ernst to Alexander Archipenko.

On the post-war and contemporary art front, we will present a remarkable selection of works by Jean Dubuffet, including a 1950 Corps de Dame and two works from the Hourloupe series. The sale will also feature an important work by Nicolas de Staël dated 1953, an iconic Tauromachia by Miquel Barceló, an historic work by Antoni Tàpies as well as two paintings by Kazuo Shiraga from a private Japanese collection never seen on the market before. Among the highlights are works by renowned contemporary artists such as Sean ScullyGeorg BaselitzRobert Longo and Erró.

Following the success of the October 2024 Paris sale season, the sale will also feature the popular Thinking Italian section with works by modern and post-war Italian artists, including two single-cut on red and white canvas by Lucio Fontana, a metaphysical Ettore and Andromaca by Giorgio de Chirico and another one from the rare series of Mobili nella valle, a rare work dated 1974 from the series of biro by Alighiero BoettiIl dolce far niente, coming from the collection of the artist Arnaldo Pomodoro alongside a rare 1978 masterpiece by Alighiero Boetti Segno e disegno, in nine elements, to end with an exceptional Achrome by Piero Manzoni coming from a private collection where it has been housed for decades.

Explore the 20th/21st Century: Paris auction series.

4月9日 下午05:00 (欧洲中部夏令时间) 拍品 201-243

Brought to you by

Valérie Didier

Valérie Didier

Specialist, Head of Sale | Impressionist & Modern Art

Valérie Didier is a Specialist and Head of Sale at the Impressionist and Modern Art department, based in Paris. She began her career at Christie's in 2005. Prior to her current position, Valérie has worked in London in the Collections department and Impressionist and Modern Art department, as well as the Russian Art department in Paris, before becoming the Business Director at the Christie's Dubai office. She oversaw the bi-annual sales of Middle Eastern Modern and Contemporary Art and Important Watches for over eight years.

Under Valérie’s leadership, the two Parisian spotlight sales Art Moderne and Art Impressionniste et Moderne have consistently achieved strong sell-through rates of over 80% by lot and by value. One of her most remarkable successes included the white-glove sale of the Hessel collection of Bonnard and Vuillard paintings in 2018, selling 100% by lot and exceeding its pre-sale high estimate to make a total of over €5.3 million. Valérie was also responsible for the record price for a work by Jeanne Hébuterne (€478,000 sold in March 2019, nearly eight times its pre-sale low estimate) and the 1889 self-portrait by Emile Bernard, acquired by the Musée d’Orsay in October 2019 (sold for €778,000, almost double its pre-sale low estimate).

In December 2016, Valérie co-authored with Alexandrian collector Dr. Hussam Rashwan the first catalogue raisonné on any artist from the Middle East, the founder of Modern Egyptian Art, Mahmoud Saïd (1897–¬1964), published by SKIRA. Due to her mutli-cultural upbringing, Valérie speaks fluently English, French and Italian. She also has an intermediate level in German and is currently learning Arabic.

Spécialiste et directrice des ventes du département Art Impressionniste et Moderne à Paris, Valérie Didier débuta sa carrière chez Christie's en 2005. Avant d'occuper sa position actuelle à Paris, Valérie travaillait à Londres dans les départements de Collections et Art impressionniste et Moderne, puis à Paris au département d’Art Russe avant de devenir Directrice Commerciale chez Christie’s Dubai. Elle y supervisa les ventes bi-annuelles de Middle Eastern Modern and Contemporary Art et Important Watches pendant plus de huit ans. Sous sa direction, nos deux ventes phares à Paris, Art Moderne et Art impressionniste et moderne ont constamment accompli des taux records de vente de plus de 80% par lot et valeur. Un de ses plus grands succès inclut la vente en gant blanc de la Collection Hessel de peintures de Bonnard et Vuillard en 2018, avec 100% des lots vendus et dépassant l'estimation haute pour totaliser plus de 5,3 millions d’euros. Valérie fût également à l’origine des prix records d’une oeuvre de Jeanne Hébuterne (vendu à 478 000 € en mars 2019, soit presque huit fois son estimation basse) et de l’autoportrait d’Emile Bernard daté de 1889, acquis par le Musée d’Orsay en octobre 2019 (vendu à 778 000€, environ le double de son estimation basse). En décembre 2016, avec le collectionneur Dr. Hussam Rashwan d’Alexandrie, Valérie co-écrit le premier catalogue raisonné d’un artiste du Moyen Orient, le fondateur de l’art moderne égyptien, Mahmoud Saïd (1897–1964), publié par SKIRA. Grâce à son éducation multiculturel, Valérie parle couramment anglais, français et italien. Elle possède également un niveau intermédiaire en allemand et apprend actuellement l’arabe.
Josephine Wanecq

Josephine Wanecq

Specialist, Head of Evening Sale | Post-War & Contemporary Art

After an Art Business Management master degree at Paris Dauphine University, Josephine first joined Christie’s Paris Post War & Contemporary art team in 2016 as a cataloguer and contributed to the great success of Claude Berri Collection sale (October 2016), achieving €8,320,125.

From 2017, Josephine started overseeing cataloguing for both Paris and Milan PWC sales. Among many other sales, she was also involved in the cataloguing, exhibition setting and success of the Jean-François and Marie-Aline Prat Collection sale in 2017, which until now still holds the auction record for a private Post War and Contemporary art collection ever sold in France (€39m).

In 2019, she was appointed Junior Specialist, and more recently Josephine has taken on the role of Head of Day sale. In her position, she is responsible for business getting and managing all aspects of the sale: pricing, curating and overseeing cataloguing.

Après un master 2 en management des organisations culturelles à l'Université Paris Dauphine, Joséphine Wanecq a rejoint l'équipe Art d’après-guerre et contemporain en 2016 chez Christie's Paris en tant que catalogueuse, contribuant au grand succès de la vente de la collection Claude Berri (octobre 2016) avec 8 320 125 €. En 2019, elle fut nommée Junior Specialist et Head of Day Sale, chargée d'organiser la vente des grandes collections privées. Joséphine a joué un rôle important dans la vente de la collection Jean-François et Marie-Aline Prat en 2017, qui détient encore aujourd’hui le record de vente aux enchères d'une collection privée d'art contemporain et d'après-guerre jamais vendue en France (39 M €).
Renato Pennisi

Renato Pennisi

International Specialist, Director | Post-War & Contemporary Art

Renato Pennisi is a Director and Senior Specialist of Christie’s global 20/21 Century Team for Modern and Contemporary Art, based in Italy. He joined Christie’s in 2001 and signed responsible as Co-Head for Christie’s Milan auctions as of 2007.

In 2013, Renato launched a new sale format Milan Modern and Contemporary, a monographic sale focusing on the most desirable Italian artists, acclaimed alike by existing and new clients with sell through rates achieving over 90% by lot, even up to 100% result in 2015 and 2018.

In his capacity as international Specialist, Renato has achieved some exceptional auction results for Italian artists in- as well as outside of Italy. Amongst them Lucio Fontana’s Concetto spaziale, Attese sold in March 2018 for £8,671,250; and in October 2018 Concetto Spaziale, La Fine di Dio, dating from 1963 for £16,282,823, still the third highest price for the artist, Piero Manzoni’s Achrome from 1958 which sold in April 2018 for €2,970,000, still the highest price achieved for the artist in Italy), Emilio Vedova’s Cicio61/62 no. 2 sold in November 2008 for €731,600, an unbeaten artist auction record price lasting nearly for two decades, as well as Giorgio Morandi’s Natura Morta, 1939 sold in October 2015 for £2,546,500, still the second highest price at auction for the artist, and Francis Bacon’s Three Studies for a Portrait of George Dyer, sold in May 2017 $51,767,500. In 2021 Renato was instrumental for the consignment of the Collection Gerard Valkier : A lifetime journey with Art, which held many works by Italian 20/21century artists and totaled €6,572,250. A few months later in the same year, Renato signed responsible for the single owner sale Thousand Roads: A Private Collection in Rome which sold in Amsterdam and London and during the first edition of Thinking Italian in Paris in 2022, his Alighiero Boetti pink Mappa, 1979-1980 consignment set the then new world auction record for the artist, when selling for €5.6 million, doubling its mid-estimate.





