Christie's Auction Results Print
The following prices in U.S. DOLLARS include the buyer's premium and are rounded to the nearest u.s. dollar. Lots which did not sell are not shown.

Christie's is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions.
SALE # 14485
SALE TITLE South Asian Modern + Contemporary Art
SALE DATE Sep 13, 2017
SALE LOCATION 20 Rockefeller Center, New York, NY, 10020
TELEPHONE +1 212 636 2000
SALE TOTAL 9,885,625
401 15,625
402 11,250
404 13,750
405 25,000
407 8,125
408 21,250
409 137,500
410 27,500
411 21,250
412 60,000
413 125,000
414 4,092,500
415 112,500
416 187,500
417 16,250
418 93,750
419 18,750
420 52,500
421 18,750
422 8,125
423 112,500
425 11,250
426 13,750
427 50,000
428 275,000
429 13,750
430 87,500
432 56,250
433 6,875
435 1,632,500
438 18,750
440 13,750
441 7,500
442 40,000
443 13,750
444 17,500
445 35,000
446 324,500
447 12,500
448 17,500
449 118,750
450 27,500
452 250,000
453 21,250
454 43,750
455 16,250
456 30,000
458 212,500
460 11,250
461 18,750
463 237,500
464 75,000
465 11,250
466 43,750
467 10,000
468 30,000
469 16,250
470 62,500
471 12,500
472 1,875
474 27,500
475 780,500