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Herbarius Latinus (without synonyms). Vicenza: Leonardus Achates de Basilea and Guilielmus de Papia, 27 October 1491

Herbarius Latinus (without synonyms). Vicenza: Leonardus Achates de Basilea and Guilielmus de Papia, 27 October 1491
First Italian edition of the anonymous Herbarius, ascribed here to Arnoldus de Villa Nova. Intended to address the needs of laymen who lacked access to physicians, each plant is illustrated and its medicinal use is outlined, frequently with a recipe for concoctions treating a variety of ailments. The Herbarius is derived largely from Vincent de Beauvais's Speculum naturale; among its authorities cited in the text are Avicenna and Galen. HC(+Add) 8451 = 1806a; GW 12276; BMC VII, 1033; BSB-Ink H-103; Klebs 506.10; Sander 610; Goff H-68; ISTC ih00068000.

Chancery quarto (206 x 146mm). 171 leaves (without first blank but with blank leaf 156). Woodcut of an author and king, and a 3-sided black-ground foliate border on opening page, 150 botanical woodcuts, woodcut initials (first quire and last leaf rehinged, first leaf a little soiled and with small repairs, small wormhole/track in first half, repaired wormtrack in quire i, occasional light staining, last few leaves lightly browned and stained). 20th-century binding of old vellum, lettered on spine. Provenance: Hieronimus Velanus (early inscription, a few early annotations).


Emily Pilling
Emily Pilling Senior Sale Coordinator

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