CRASTONUS, Johannes (c. 1420-1497)
CRASTONUS, Johannes (c. 1420-1497)
CRASTONUS, Johannes (c. 1420-1497)
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CRASTONUS, Johannes (c. 1420-1497)

Lexicon Graeco-latinum. Edited by Bonus Accursius. Vicenza: Dionysius Bertochus, 10 November 1483

CRASTONUS, Johannes (c. 1420-1497)
Lexicon Graeco-latinum. Edited by Bonus Accursius. Vicenza: Dionysius Bertochus, 10 November 1483
Second edition of an important Greek-Latin lexicon, reprinting the first edition, printed in Milan in 1478. Both are rare on the market. The Lexicon is the most famous work by Johannes Crastonus, an Italian humanist and scholar, and the first book printed by Bertochus on his own. It contains two different newly-made Greek types inspired by those used in Venice by Nicolas Jenson. Crastonus, nicknamed ‘Giovanni greco’ for his aptitude in Greek, left the Carmelites to become a secular priest and devote himself to his studies. Not in BSB; Goff C-959; BMC VII 1049; HCR 5813; GW 7813; Bod-inc C-471; ISTC ic00959000.

Folio (330 x 200mm). 264 leaves. Greek and roman types (fore-edge repair in first blank, very occasional light spotting and dampstaining in margins, a few small wormholes at beginning and end, three small marginal chips). Modern half calf reusing contemporary wooden boards, fore-edge clasps renewed (evidence of 2 further clasps, scuffed). Provenance: some contemporary annotations in Latin and Greek.


Emily Pilling
Emily Pilling Senior Sale Coordinator

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