Music manuscripts from the collection of Helmut Nanz
Hugo Wolf (1860-1903)

Autograph manuscript signed (‘Hugo Wolf’, at upper right) of the song ‘Das ist ein Brausen und Heulen’ (HWW 69⁄3), Vienna, 31 May 1878

成交价 英镑 5,670
英镑 6,000 – 英镑 8,000
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Hugo Wolf (1860-1903)

Autograph manuscript signed (‘Hugo Wolf’, at upper right) of the song ‘Das ist ein Brausen und Heulen’ (HWW 69⁄3), Vienna, 31 May 1878

成交价 英镑 5,670
成交价 英镑 5,670
Hugo Wolf (1860-1903)
Autograph manuscript signed (‘Hugo Wolf’, at upper right) of the song ‘Das ist ein Brausen und Heulen’ (HWW 69⁄3), Vienna, 31 May 1878
A fair copy, for voice and piano on five systems of three staves, two pages, 328 x 255mm, the word ‘poco’ added in pencil in bar 9. Provenance: Stargardt, 27 March 1992, lot 1203.

A setting of a well-known Heine poem by the 18-year old Hugo Wolf. Wolf ‘… begins and ends with wild octaves and violent syncopations to depict the storm in nature and the despair in the heart of the lover’ (Complete Songs, p.189). The song was published as no.3 in the Lieder aus der Jugendheit (the numbering 'III' added in pen below the title).


Emily Pilling
Emily Pilling Senior Sale Coordinator


更多来自 珍罕书籍及手稿