Property from a Noble Family

Femme en rouge dans la fôret

美元 10,000,000 – 美元 20,000,000
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Femme en rouge dans la fôret

拍品终止拍卖: 2024年11月19日
拍品终止拍卖: 2024年11月19日
Femme en rouge dans la fôret
signed 'Henri Rousseau' (lower left)
oil on canvas
28 ¾ x 23 5⁄8 in. (73 x 59.7 cm.)
Painted circa 1905
Ambroise Vollard, Paris (acquired from the artist).
Paul Guillaume, Paris (acquired from the above, circa 1927-1930).
César de Hauke, Paris (acquired from the above, 1933).
Mary Elizabeth and Henry D. Sharpe, Providence, Rhode Island (acquired from the above, circa 1939, until at least 1951).
César de Hauke, Paris.
M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York (part-share acquired from the above, 28 November 1960).
Willavene S. Morris, Bryn Mawr (acquired from the above, 7 January 1963).
Anon. sale, Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, 2 May 1974, lot 221A.
(probably) Acquired at the above sale by the family of the present owners.
G. Apollinaire, "Poèmes" in Les soirées de Paris, 15 January 1914, p. 65 (titled Portrait dans un paysage).
A. Basler, Henri Rousseau: Sa vie, son œuvre, Paris, 1927, no. 43 (illustrated, pl. XLIII; titled Promenade dans la forêt).
C. Zervos, Henri Rousseau, Paris, 1927, p. 53 (illustrated, pl. 30; titled Femme dans une forêt exotique).
F. Fels, “Notes on the Rousseau Exhibition at the Marie Harriman Gallery, New York” in Formes, no. 11, January 1931 (illustrated, opposite p. 10; titled L’ombrelle rose).
E. Faure, “L’art moderne: L’agonie de la peinture” in L’amour de l’art, no. 6, June 1931, pp. 234 and 237 (illustrated, p. 234, fig. 29; titled La Promenade).
W. George, “Le miracle de Rousseau” in Les arts à Paris, no. 18, July 1931, p. 10 (illustrated; titled L’ombrelle rose).
R. Huyghe, intro., “La peinture d’instinct” in L’amour de l’art, no. 8, October 1933, p. 186 (illustrated, fig. 234; titled L’ombrelle rose).
R. Grey, Henri Rousseau, Paris, 1943, no. 112 (illustrated; titled Dame en brun dans la forêt exotique).
M. Buzzichini, Henri Rousseau, Milan, 1944 (illustrated, pl. XXII; dated circa 1907, titled L’ombrello rosso and with incorrect ownership).
W. Uhde, Rousseau: Le Douanier, Lausanne, 1948, no. 31 (illustrated; titled Dame in Braun in Einem Exotischen Wald).
D. Cooper, Rousseau, Paris, 1951 (illustrated; titled Dame en brun dans la forêt exotique).
Lo Duca, Henri Rousseau dit le Douanier, Paris, 1951, p. 9 (illustrated; titled Femme dans la forêt exotique).
J. Bouret, Henri Rousseau, Neuchâtel, 1961, pp. 230 and 260, no. 193 (illustrated, p. 230; dated circa 1907 and titled Femme à l’ombrelle dans la forêt exotique).
D. Vallier, Henri Rousseau, Cologne, 1961, p. 308, no. 97 (illustrated).
H. Certigny, La vérité sur le Douanier Rousseau, Paris, 1966, p. 26 (titled Dame en brun dans la forêt exotique).
D. Vallier, Henri Rousseau, New York, 1979, p. 15 (illustrated; dated 1905-1910).
D. Vallier, Tout l’œuvre peint de Henri Rousseau, Paris, 1982, p. 108, no. 202 (illustrated, p. 90; dated 1907).
H. Certigny, Le Douanier Rousseau en son temps, Tokyo, 1984, vol. II, pp. 646-647, no. 302 (illustrated, p. 647; dated 1909-1910 and titled Portrait de Marie Isard).
W. Rubin, ed., Henri Rousseau, exh. cat., Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 1984, p. 75 (illustrated, fig. 56; dated 1905-1910).
New York, Marie Harriman Gallery, Henri Rousseau, January-February 1931, no. 9 (illustrated; titled A Stroll in the Forest).
Kunsthalle Basel, Henri Rousseau, March-April 1933, p. 14, no. 46 (dated 1907 and titled L’ombrelle rose).
Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Art in New England: Paintings, Drawings, Prints from Private Collections in New England, June-September 1939, p. 77, no. 116 (titled L’ombrelle rose).
Providence, Museum of Art, The Rhode Island School of Design, French Art of the 19th and 20th Centuries, November 1942, no. 60 (titled The Red Parasol).
Providence, Museum of Art, The Rhode Island School of Design, Isms in Art Since 1800, February-March 1949, p. 40, no. 29 (dated 1907 and titled Promenade dans la forêt or L’ombrelle rose).
New York, Sidney Janis Gallery, Henri Rousseau, November-December 1951, no. 16 (illustrated; dated circa 1907 and titled Promenade dans la foret).
Please note that this painting has been requested by the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia and Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris for their forthcoming exhibition Rousseau's Secrets to be held from October 2025-February 2026.


Emily Kaplan
Emily Kaplan Senior Vice President, Senior Specialist, Co-Head of 20th Century Evening Sale



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