This bust belongs to the group of studies Rembrandt made around 1630. The etching is closely related to a number of chalk drawings of men with long beards and downcast eyes that Rembrandt and Jan Lievens (1607-74) made at this time, although none of them is demonstrably a direct preliminary study. Indeed, this print might have been etched from life. We can almost feel Rembrandt's concentration in getting the baggy eyes and sunken cheeks right, and then the joy in swiftly scribbling the wispy hairs on the head. Much of the beard is left blank, giving somehow the impression of substance, and creating a beautiful contrast of white agains the dark coat.
The sheet comes with an extraordinary provenance, going all the way back to the nephew of Rembrandt's patron Jan Six.
The sheet comes with an extraordinary provenance, going all the way back to the nephew of Rembrandt's patron Jan Six.