Described as 'à rubans verts', the present dish is from a large service given by King Louis XV of France to Empress Maria-Theresa of Austria in 1758 following a military alliance between the two nations. The service included sixteen variantly shaped compotiers, priced at 120 livres each. In total, the entire service cost the substantial sum of 24,768 livres. The majority of the service is still kept in the Imperial Hofburg Palace, Vienna. For a full discussion of this service, see D. Peters, op. cit., no. 58-3, pp. 315-316. Other examples outside of the Hofburg Palace can be found at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Copenhagen (S. Eriksen and G. de Bellaigue, Sèvres Porcelain, London, 1987, p. 308, ill. 121); at the Royal Palace, Stockholm; at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge; and at the Louvre and Decorative Arts Museums, Paris.