The present group of seventeen plates belong to a dessert service that was described, when it entered the salesroom on 13 December 1823, in Sèvres factory records as fruits ornements en or et animaux peints en brun sur le bord etc. (Registre Vv 1, folio 207, n059). After being exhibited in the annual Produits de l'Industrie presentation at the Louvre on 1 January 1824 (see item 20 under the heading of Table Services), it was then delivered to the Prince de Polignac, then French ambassador to London, on 30 August 1824 (Registre Vbb 6, folio 24). The valuation sheet or Feuille d' Appreciation created when the service entered the Sèvres saleroom notes that the 72 plates for the service were priced at 70 francs each. The costs involved and names of the artists responsible for each stage in the plates' decoration are enumerated: gilding was by Hillaire-François Boullemier aîné (FB), painting of the animals and rinceaux by Didier (Di), painting of the fruits by Jacobber and burnishing of the gilding, or brunissage à l'effet, by Barbin. A pair of elephant-handled ice-pails, covers and liners from the service were sold by Christie’s, New York, 18 May 2006, lot 565.