Cardeilhac was founded in Paris in 1804 by Antoine-Vital, whose workshop was located at 91, rue de Rivoli. His son, Armand Edouard, succeeded him in 1851 and the production consisted exclusively of holloware and cutlery. From 1855, Ernest introduced more variety using precious metals and materials such as lapis lazuli, ivory and glass which fitted well with the fashion for historicist pieces. Much like Odiot, Christofle and Boin-Taburet, Cardeilhac responded to the demand for Louis XV style by creating tables centerpieces and stands decorated with playful putti, exuberant rocaille after the designs of by Juste-Aurèle Meissonnier circa 1738-1749 and in the taste of François Thomas Germain (1726-1791) as for the pieces of King Joseph I of Portugal.