DATED 1548
The center painted in shades of blue and lustre with a doubleted man holding a musket in a landscape, a fortified town in the distance, the well molded and lustred with a candelieri grotesques, the border molded and lustred with flowering and foliate stems divided by martial trophies and masks edged in blue and enclosed by a band of beaded ornament, the reverse lustred with foliate scrolls around the central date, with a collection label probably for Edouard de Rothschild inscribed 'P. 48 / 5'
15 ¾ in. (39.1 cm.) diameter
Baron Alphonse de Rothschild (1827-1905).
Baron Édouard de Rothschild (1868-1949).
Confiscated from the above by the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg following the Nazi occupation of France in May 1940 (ERR no. R 4012).
Recovered by the Monuments Fine Arts and Archives Section from the Altaussee salt mines, Austria, and transferred to the Munich Central Collecting Point, 23 June 1945 (MCCP no. 343/5).
Returned to France on 9 January 1946 and restituted to the Rothschild family.
By descent to the present owners.
Collections de M. le baron Alphonse de Rothschild, circa 1900 (n.d.), Vol. I.