The inscription translates as ‘King Pyrrhus killed Polyxena’, informing us that this dish depicts the death of Polyxena, the youngest daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. She was sacrificed on the tomb of Achilles, the Greek hero to whom she had been betrothed, and in whose death she was complicit. According to the legend, she was killed by Achilles’ son Neoptolemus (also called Pyrrhus). By calling him king, the maiolica painter confused him with King Pyrrhus, who was not a mythical character at all, but instead a historical ruler of Epirus and Macedonia.
The style of painting is close to that of Francesco Durantino, a prolific and influential painter who worked in the Urbino workshops of Guido de Merlino and Guido Durantino in the 1540s, before working elsewhere.
The style of painting is close to that of Francesco Durantino, a prolific and influential painter who worked in the Urbino workshops of Guido de Merlino and Guido Durantino in the 1540s, before working elsewhere.