A Century of Art: The Gerald Fineberg Collection
JOSEF ALBERS (1888-1976)

Homage to the Square: Decided

成交价 美元 819,000
美元 1,200,000 – 美元 1,800,000
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JOSEF ALBERS (1888-1976)

Homage to the Square: Decided

成交价 美元 819,000
拍品终止拍卖: 2023年5月18日
成交价 美元 819,000
拍品终止拍卖: 2023年5月18日
JOSEF ALBERS (1888-1976)
Homage to the Square: Decided
incised with the artist's monogram and date 'A63' (lower right); signed again, titled and dated again 'Homage to the Square: "Decided" Albers 1963' (on the reverse)
oil on Masonite
40 x 40 in. (101.6 x 101.6 cm.)
Painted in 1963.
The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany, Connecticut
Waddington Galleries, London
PaceWildenstein, New York, 2002
Private collection, New York, 2003
Pace Gallery, New York, 2015
Private collection, New York, 2016
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Paris, Galerie Denise René, Albers, March-April 1968, no. 11.
Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte Münster; Kunsthalle Basel; Lübeck, Overbeck Gesellschaft; Karlsruhe, Badischer Kunstverein; Bonn, Landesmuseum; Munich, Villa Stuck and Berlin, Kunstverein Berlin, Albers, 1968-1969, no. 21.
Bottrop, Cyriakusschule Bottrop, Albers in Bottrop, 1969, no. 13.
Düsseldorf, Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Josef Albers, September-October 1970, no. 62.
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Josef Albers at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, November 1971-January 1972, n.p. no. 55.
Valencia, IVAM Centre Julio González, Josef Albers: Vidrio, Color y Luz, 1994-1995.
London, Waddington Gallery, Josef Albers: Homages to the Square and Structural Constellations, April-May, 1996.
Kunstmuseum Bern, Josef und Anni Albers: Europa und Amerika, November 1998-January 1999, no. 113.
New York, Pace Wildenstein, Josef Albers: Homage to Color, May-June 2003, pp. 31 and 33 (illustrated).
New York, Pace Gallery, On the Square Part II, October 2015.
This work will be included in the forthcoming catalogue raisonné being prepared by the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation.


Michael Baptist
Michael Baptist Associate Vice President, Specialist, Co-Head of Day Sale



更多来自 世纪艺术之旅:杰拉尔德·范伯格珍藏第二部分