« Kazuo Shiraga a marqué l'histoire de l'abstraction par un art d'une grande force spirituelle. Son œuvre, indissociable de la culture orientale, mêle le corps et l'esprit, l'énergie et la méditation. Il appartient à cette rare catégorie d'artistes qui aboutissent à une synthèse par l'intégration de sources culturelles très diverses. Avec eux une page se tourne et un nouveau chapitre peut commencer. » - Alfred Pacquement
“Kazuo Shiraga has marked the history of abstraction with an art of great spiritual force. Inseparable from Eastern culture, his work, blends body and spirit, energy and meditation. He belongs to that rare category of artists who achieve a synthesis through the integration of very diverse cultural sources. With them a page is turned and a new chapter can begin.” - Alfred Pacquement
“Kazuo Shiraga has marked the history of abstraction with an art of great spiritual force. Inseparable from Eastern culture, his work, blends body and spirit, energy and meditation. He belongs to that rare category of artists who achieve a synthesis through the integration of very diverse cultural sources. With them a page is turned and a new chapter can begin.” - Alfred Pacquement