Always one to learn from and honor those legends who came before, Rodgers purchased this guitar as an homage to one of history's greats; this particular Zephyr Regent purportedly belonged to Chuck Berry. Said Rodgers: "I got that [one] because someone told me that, early on, in Chuck Berry’s career, he played that particular Zephyr Regent…. And when I met his son, I said…did your dad ever play one of these? And he said 'yeah man, for a very short while. How did you know?' And I said well, the person who sold it to me said it was this exact one. I, actually, when I first started cataloging my guitars...I just wanted to see if I could track the mythology to somehow really get to the owners. Because every person I know that plays guitar, the earliest guitars that you had, usually you got rid of them because you wanted to trade up, and you weren’t rich enough to have five guitars. And you know, it was like, you sold your guitar for a little extra money…. I looked online for pictures of Chuck Berry playing one, and I can’t [find one]"