Foujita’s love for cats can be seen through the recurring motif spanning over his entire œuvre. He admired them for the beauty, intriguing personality and gracious movement, and willingly incorporated the animal’s figure into compositions with women. In an interview for the Milwaukee Journal in 1935 Foujita claimed: 'I never look at men, only at women – they have, each one such marvellous possibilities of beauty. But unfortunately, most of them have not developed these possibilities because they have not learned the lessons cats can teach (…) Cats are never in a hurry, never angular. They move softly, gently, insinuatingly. Clever women live with cats… They study the animal’s movements, habits and emotional reactions…'
In 1930 the painter published The Book of Cats, which included 20 prints of portraits of his beloved animals. Since the book was executed only in 500 signed copies, it is a rare and valuable object on the market.
In 1930 the painter published The Book of Cats, which included 20 prints of portraits of his beloved animals. Since the book was executed only in 500 signed copies, it is a rare and valuable object on the market.