Après un séjour de formation à Rome et un voyage en Espagne, Vignon s’installe à Paris sous la protection de Louis XIII et du cardinal de Richelieu aux côtés de Simon Vouet et Philippe de Champaigne. Le présent dessin, daté de cette période parisienne, est préparatoire à l’une des treize eaux-fortes de la série des Aventures de Pâris gravée par Pierre Le Maire qui dédicace le frontispice à Claude Vignon en 1637. Il est probable que cette série soit née à partir d’un cycle de peintures, Les Histoires de Pâris et Hélène, que Vignon aurait réalisé pour la maison de campagne de M. Feydeau de Brou (op. cit., pp. 306-307).
After studying in Rome and a trip to Spain, Vignon settled in Paris, protected by Louis XIII et cardinal Richelieu, together with Simon Vouet and Philippe de Champaigne. The present drawing, which dates from these Parisian years, is preparatory for one of thirteen etchings from the series on the History of Paris, engraved by Pierre Le Maire, who dedicated the series to Vignon in 1637. It is probable that the paintings that the series was based on a cycle of paintings representing the History of Paris and Helena, which Vignon would have made for the country house of M. Feydeau de Brou (op. cit., pp. 306-307).
After studying in Rome and a trip to Spain, Vignon settled in Paris, protected by Louis XIII et cardinal Richelieu, together with Simon Vouet and Philippe de Champaigne. The present drawing, which dates from these Parisian years, is preparatory for one of thirteen etchings from the series on the History of Paris, engraved by Pierre Le Maire, who dedicated the series to Vignon in 1637. It is probable that the paintings that the series was based on a cycle of paintings representing the History of Paris and Helena, which Vignon would have made for the country house of M. Feydeau de Brou (op. cit., pp. 306-307).