Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893)

Four designs for the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition 1887: Shearing the Sheep - Wool; The Weaver; The Merchant - Commerce; and The Farrier - Iron and Machinery

成交价 英镑 5,000
英镑 5,000 – 英镑 8,000
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Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893)

Four designs for the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition 1887: Shearing the Sheep - Wool; The Weaver; The Merchant - Commerce; and The Farrier - Iron and Machinery

成交价 英镑 5,000
拍品终止拍卖: 2017年12月13日
成交价 英镑 5,000
拍品终止拍卖: 2017年12月13日
Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893)
Four designs for the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition 1887: Shearing the Sheep - Wool; The Weaver; The Merchant - Commerce; and The Farrier - Iron and Machinery
three signed with monogram and dated '87' (two lower left, one lower right)
black chalk, two on green paper, two on buff paper
each 10 x 10 in. (25.4 x 25.4 cm.), circular
J. Treuherz, Ford Madox Brown, Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer, Manchester, 2012, pp. 310-315 (the project).



更多来自 维多利亚时代、前拉斐尔派及英国印象派艺术