BERTACHINUS, Johannes (?1448-c.1500). Repertorium iuris utriusque (partes I-III). Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 25 October 1483.
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BERTACHINUS, Johannes (?1448-c.1500). Repertorium iuris utriusque (partes I-III). Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 25 October 1483.

BERTACHINUS, Johannes (?1448-c.1500). Repertorium iuris utriusque (partes I-III). Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 25 October 1483.

Second edition of Bertachinus's massive compilation on the amalgam of Roman and canon law known as the Utrumque ius or Ius commune. The first of the ten incunable editions was printed in Rome by Georgius Lauer, 5 April 1481. This is a tall, deckle-edged copy in a handsome German binding of contemporary quarter pigskin. H *2982; GW 4153; BSB-Ink B-386; Goff B-498.

3 parts in 2 volumes, royal folio (408 x 278mm). Initials in red, rubricated. Part I with final but not preliminary blank; parts 2-3 with first and final blanks. (First and final quires of both volumes with wormholes scattered through text, occasional wormtracks elsewhere affecting margins only, a few leaves browned or waterstained, several leaves in vol. I slightly misbound.) Contemporary German quarter pigskin over wooden boards, sides with two panels of diagonal fillets filled with floral stamps and a dragon, plain spine, manuscript labels, front covers with woodcut initial 'A' indicating library ownership (covers wormed and soiled, some scuff marks, spine rubbed). Provenance: ownership initial 'A' (woodcut on binding) – Munich, Franciscans (inscription in both vols).

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