Archive of Albert Edward Peter Griessen (1875–1935) – Town-planning and horticultural projects undertaken at Muttra, Kapurthala, Lucknow, and Meerut, and for the Maharajahs of Dholpur and Rewah, c.1915-c.1921.
Archive of Albert Edward Peter Griessen (1875–1935) – Town-planning and horticultural projects undertaken at Muttra, Kapurthala, Lucknow, and Meerut, and for the Maharajahs of Dholpur and Rewah, c.1915-c.1921.
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Archive of Albert Edward Peter Griessen (1875–1935) – Town-planning and horticultural projects undertaken at Muttra, Kapurthala, Lucknow, and Meerut, and for the Maharajahs of Dholpur and Rewah, c.1915-c.1921.

Archive of Albert Edward Peter Griessen (1875–1935) – Town-planning and horticultural projects undertaken at Muttra, Kapurthala, Lucknow, and Meerut, and for the Maharajahs of Dholpur and Rewah, c.1915-c.1921.

Plan of Gardens at Kapurthala, large pen and wash plan on tracing paper (c.143 x c.190cm), 1917, with four further design drawings on tracing paper, one for the Rose Garden (these up to 262 x 106cm);

[And:] Muttra Approved Town Planning Scheme, pen plan on tracing paper (85 x105cm), signed off by Griessen on 24 July 1916, with a blueprint taken from this plan and another related blueprint (some damage and soiling);

[With:] Three lithographic plans for garden projects completed for H.H. the Maharajah of Dholpur, for H.H. the Maharajah of Rewah, and for Victoria Park, Meerut (85-92 x 105-122cm), (some damage and soiling) [And:] Three bundles of records belonging to Albert Griessen, containing pen plans and drawings, blueprints, printed plans, correspondence, and printed ephemera, for his projects at Muttra, Kapurthala, and for the Botanical Gardens at Lucknow, c.1921.

While working as Deputy Director of the Horticultural Department in Delhi, Griessen was simultaneously occupied with town-planning projects in Muttra and the Native States: this collection of material gives a flavour of the varied projects in which he was engaged.

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