HU SHI (1891-1962)
HU SHI (1891-1962)

Calligraphy in Running Script

HU SHI (1891-1962)
Calligraphy in Running Script
Hanging scroll, ink on paper
63.5 x 32 cm. (25 x 12 5/8 in.)
Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
Dedicated to Zhifo
The recipient of this calligraphy is Li Zhifu (1912-?). Li studied under Dong Zuopin (1895-1963), and worked in Cheng Chung Book Co., Ltd., one of the book companies backed by the Kuomintang during the Republic era. As a lover of literature and arts, Li was well acquainted with artists in Taiwan, including Yu Youren and Huang Junbi, and received paintings from them.

更多来自 中国近现代画
