Masaru Shichinohe (b. 1959)
This property has been sourced from overseas. Whe… 显示更多


油彩 木板
57 × 35 cm. (22 1/2 × 13 3/4 in)
2014 年作
This property has been sourced from overseas. When auctioned, such property will remain under “bond” with the applicable import customs duties and taxes being deferred unless and until the property is brought into free circulation in the PRC. Prospective buyers are reminded that after paying for this lot in full and cleared funds, if they wish to import this lot into the PRC, they will be responsible for and will have to pay the applicable import customs duties and taxes. The rates of import customs duty and tax are based on the value of the goods and the relevant customs regulations and classifications in force at the time of import. The final amounts will be determined by PRC Customs and other competent authorities at the time of import. Neither Christie’s nor the seller warrants or guarantees the accuracy of this information and we are not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions. Potential buyers are responsible for satisfying themselves as to the amount of import customs duty and tax payable for lots which they buy and intend to import into the P


日本艺术家七户优,利用写实的透视表现手法,在日本当代艺术领域独占鳌头。在作品《红星与铜球》(Lot 112)中,其强调建筑设计般的严谨与细腻的用笔,搭配不符合现实逻辑的布局 ,让作品在理性的建筑架构中带有超现实主义的影子。人物的真实体积感,在由强烈的明暗对比所构成三维空间般的画幅中,呈现如西方文艺复兴时期,崇尚自然与科学的准确描绘之艺术风格。身穿丝绒红裙的女孩,带着天真烂漫而迷茫的眼神凝视画框外。她手持正无限循环的金球,暗示观者于铁桶内无法可视的神秘空间。叙述性的插画编排,勾起观者探究埋藏于故事中的好奇心。强烈的明暗光影对比,赋予画面一份怀旧复古气息,呈现出如舞台剧场景般的奇幻氛围。在浓厚西式画风下,七户优借由非日本传统创作的方式,巧妙地将观者引入充满异想的奇幻世界。

更多来自 亚洲与西方二十世纪及当代艺术
