‘I always start out from the perimeter of the painting, where I construct arithmetic subdivisions which are the starting point; in joining up these progressions from one side to the other by way of opposite or contiguous sides, I get meetings, intersections inside
the surface is casual; the resulting configuration is the product of the progressions, of the subdivisions developed on the perimeter and projected inwards... it’s a fortuitousness controlled by what I planned on the perimeter... the image is formed by moving from
the sides, like an energy that comes and exerts pressure from the outside... the starting point of the construction of the image is the threshold, the real physical space and the virtual space border, it’s from there that this force comes which then condenses; the
casualness is generated by the arithmetic progression’. (Castellani, quoted in R. Wirz, F. Sardella, Enrico Castellani: Catalogo Vol. I, Milan, 2012, p. 31).
the surface is casual; the resulting configuration is the product of the progressions, of the subdivisions developed on the perimeter and projected inwards... it’s a fortuitousness controlled by what I planned on the perimeter... the image is formed by moving from
the sides, like an energy that comes and exerts pressure from the outside... the starting point of the construction of the image is the threshold, the real physical space and the virtual space border, it’s from there that this force comes which then condenses; the
casualness is generated by the arithmetic progression’. (Castellani, quoted in R. Wirz, F. Sardella, Enrico Castellani: Catalogo Vol. I, Milan, 2012, p. 31).