Zu ihren Nanas wurde Niki de Saint Phalle von den Zeichnungen des amerikanischen Künstlers Larry Rivers inspiriert, auf denen er seine hochschwangere Frau Clarice abbildete. Die Ausstrahlung des nackten gerundeten Körper inspirierte Niki de Saint Phalle zu Phänotypen selbstbewusster Weiblichkeit, die einen unaufhaltsamen Siegeszug rund um die Welt antraten und Niki zu einer der bekanntesten Figuren der Kunstwelt machten. Dieses Multiple stammt aus dem Jahre 1968 und wurde von Niki de Saint Phalle für die Rosenthal studio-line entworfen.
Niki de Saint Phalle got her inspiration for her Nanas from drawings done by the American painter Larry Rivers of his highly pregnant wife, Clarice. The radiance of this naked round body inspired Niki de Saint Phalle to create a phenotype of self-aware femininity, that then went on to conquer the world and made Niki one of the most famous figures in the world of art. This multiple is from 1968 and was designed by Niki de Saint Phalle for the Rosenthal studio-line series.
Niki de Saint Phalle got her inspiration for her Nanas from drawings done by the American painter Larry Rivers of his highly pregnant wife, Clarice. The radiance of this naked round body inspired Niki de Saint Phalle to create a phenotype of self-aware femininity, that then went on to conquer the world and made Niki one of the most famous figures in the world of art. This multiple is from 1968 and was designed by Niki de Saint Phalle for the Rosenthal studio-line series.