Pictured overflowing with dishes, vessels and candlesticks in a photograph of the shop of Carl and Celia Jacobs, this step-back cupboard was purchased to house Joseph K. Ott's pewter collection. In March 1957, Joseph K. Ott wrote to Carl Jacobs expressing his interest in the "pewter dresser" and Jacobs replied "Hope you come get to see the cupboard. Beautifully made, dovetailed frame throughout, and with a Providence Museum history, right for you." Ten years later, Ott identified the institution as the Rhode Island School of Design Museum (letters, Joseph K. Ott to Carl Jacobs, 23 March 1957 and undated reply, Carl Jacobs to Joseph K. Ott; photograph of interior of Southwick, Massachusetts shop of Carl and Celia Jacobs; Joseph K. Ott, "Fine Arts Items," 6 March 1967, all in the Joseph K. Ott Papers).