G. Grappe, Catalogue du Musée Rodin, Paris, 1927, p. 40, no. 60 (another cast illustrated, p. 497).
J.L. Tancock, The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin, Philadelphia, 1976, pp. 496-499, no. 85 (another cast illustrated).
C. Goldscheider, Auguste Rodin, Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre sculpté, Paris, 1989, vol. I, p. 168, no. 128 d (another cast illustrated, p. 169).
N. Crestou, "Rodin à la Manufacture de Sèvres," Céramique et Verre, 1990, pp. 22-24 (another cast illustrated).
A. Le Normand-Romain, The Bronzes of Rodin, Catalogue of Works in the Musée Rodin, Paris, 2007, vol. I, p. 251, no. S. 896 (another cast illustrated, fig. 1).