Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)
Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)

Buste d'Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuse, vêtu, réduction

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)
Buste d'Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuse, vêtu, réduction
inscribed 'CB' (on the front of the base); signed 'A Rodin' (on the left side of the base); with the Sèvres manufactory stamps 'S 1908', 'SEVRES' and 'A.C' (on the back of the base)
Biscuit de Sèvres
Height: 14¼ in. (36.1 cm.)
Conceived in 1882; this Biscuit de Sèvres version cast in 1908
Acquired by the family of the previous owner, by 1950.
G. Grappe, Catalogue du Musée Rodin, Paris, 1927, p. 40, no. 60 (another cast illustrated, p. 497).
J.L. Tancock, The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin, Philadelphia, 1976, pp. 496-499, no. 85 (another cast illustrated).
C. Goldscheider, Auguste Rodin, Catalogue raisonné de l'oeuvre sculpté, Paris, 1989, vol. I, p. 168, no. 128 d (another cast illustrated, p. 169).
N. Crestou, "Rodin à la Manufacture de Sèvres," Céramique et Verre, 1990, pp. 22-24 (another cast illustrated).
A. Le Normand-Romain, The Bronzes of Rodin, Catalogue of Works in the Musée Rodin, Paris, 2007, vol. I, p. 251, no. S. 896 (another cast illustrated, fig. 1).


This work will be included in the forthcoming Auguste Rodin catalogue critique de l'oeuvre sculpté currently being prepared by the Comité Auguste Rodin at Galerie Brame et Lorenceau under the direction of Jérôme Le Blay under the archive number 2012-3900B.

更多来自 印象派及现代艺术日间拍卖 (包括埃德加‧布朗夫曼家族珍藏)
