A young lady called Mademoiselle Victorine de Chastenay-Lanty, in white dress with laced green bodice and fichu, posy of forget-me-nots pinned at corsage, blue ribbon and large straw hat on her powdered frizzed hair dressed à la conseillère
on ivory
oval, 2 in. (50 mm.) high, gilt-metal frame with scrolling pierced silver border studded with diamonds
J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) Collection, New York; Christie's, London, 24-27 June 1935, lot 658 (as 'Portrait of Madamoiselle Victorine de Chastenay-Lanty by Antoine Vestier', 100 gns. to T. Pardon).
Sotheby's, London, 13 December 1976, lot 54 (as 'A young lady by Louis-Lié Périn-Salbreux', to Dreesmann).
Dr Anton C. R. Dreesmann (1923-2000) Collection, inv. no. F-60; (+) Christie's, London, 11 April 2002, lot 762 (as 'A girl called Madamoiselle Victorine de Chastenay-Lanty by Louis Marie Sicardi').
G. C. Williamson, Catalogue of the Collection of Miniatures, The Property of J. Pierpont Morgan, IV, London, 1907, no. 560, p. 7, illustrated pl. CXCI, no. 3 (see catalogue note for description).
'In the Auction Rooms - The Morgan Miniatures', The Connoisseur, XCVI, 1935, p. 117, as by Vestier.
M. Lauraine, Louis Marie Sicard dit Sicardi (1743-1825). Peintre Miniaturiste. Biographie, [Paris], 2005, p. 159, no. 272 (as Mademoiselle Victorine de Chastenay-Lanty).
Prospective purchasers are advised that several countries prohibit the importation of property containing materials from endangered species, including but not limited to coral, ivory and tortoiseshell. Accordingly, prospective purchasers should familiarize themselves with relevant customs regulations prior to bidding if they intend to import this lot into another country.