This work is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.
'In 1973, Jennifer Licht of The Museum of Modern Art asked me to have a show of small sculptures there. We considered many solutions to the problem of maintaining the integrity of small, vulnerable works in a busy museum. At last it occurred to me to put the pedestals on top of the works! My idea was to install the small sculptures called Waterbodies on the bottom of the reflecting pools in the MOMA Sculpture Garden. It was remarked at the time that the Museum would have no trouble insuring a gigantic work that might topple over and injure someone but had no chance of insuring a work so vulnerable that it might simply disappear in the course of a normal day's operation.'
(C. Andre, quoted in Statement about Small Sculptures, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, 2000.)
'In 1973, Jennifer Licht of The Museum of Modern Art asked me to have a show of small sculptures there. We considered many solutions to the problem of maintaining the integrity of small, vulnerable works in a busy museum. At last it occurred to me to put the pedestals on top of the works! My idea was to install the small sculptures called Waterbodies on the bottom of the reflecting pools in the MOMA Sculpture Garden. It was remarked at the time that the Museum would have no trouble insuring a gigantic work that might topple over and injure someone but had no chance of insuring a work so vulnerable that it might simply disappear in the course of a normal day's operation.'
(C. Andre, quoted in Statement about Small Sculptures, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, 2000.)