After Hans Holbein, 17th Century
Property removed from an Italian Villa (Lots 416, 420, 435, 438, 503, 508, 512, 518, 519, 529, 533, 549, 551, 551A, 553)
After Hans Holbein, 17th Century

Portrait of King Henry VII, standing three-quarter length, in a gold ermine lined cloak and black cap, a crown at his side

After Hans Holbein, 17th Century
Portrait of King Henry VII, standing three-quarter length, in a gold ermine lined cloak and black cap, a crown at his side
oil on canvas, unlined
56¼ x 44 in. (143 x 112 cm.)
in a carved and gilded frame



This composition is derived from the 'Dynasty Portrait' by Holbein, part of a mural for Whitehall Palace, executed in 1536-7, and destroyed in the fire of 1698. It is known from a seventeenth-century copy made for King Charles II by Remegius Leemput (Royal Collection) and from the surviving left hand section of the artist's original cartoon (London, National Portrait Gallery).

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