Marino Marini (1901-1980)


成交价 欧元 493,500
欧元 300,000 – 欧元 500,000
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Marino Marini (1901-1980)


成交价 欧元 493,500
成交价 欧元 493,500
Marino Marini (1901-1980)
stamped with the raised initials and with foundry mark 'MM Fonderia Artistica Battaglia' (on the base); signed 'Marino' (on the belly of the horse)
hand-ciselled bronze with a black patina and partially painted
24. 5 x 25 x 19 cm.
Conceived in 1951, this work is number four from an edition of six plus two artist's proofs
Galerie Der Spiegel, Cologne.
Acquired from the above by Piet and Ida Sanders in 1953.
D. Welling, 'Twintig jaren man te paard: Werken van professor Marino Marini', in: Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad, 26 February 1955.
J. van der Ster, 'Marino Marini', in: De Groene Amsterdammer, 12
March 1955, p. 9 (illustrated).
Anonymous, 'Sculptuur uit verleden en heden', in: De Groene
, 28 November 1957, p. 14 (illustrated).
P. Waldberg (a.o.), Marino Marini: l'oeuvre complet, Paris 1970, no. 286/4, p. 366 (illustrated), as: Cavalier.
P. Waldberg (a.o.), Marino Marini: Leben und Werk, Berlin 1971, no. 286/4, p. 366 (illustrated), as: Reiter.
C. Pirovano, Marino Marini scultore, Milan 1973, no. 292, (illustrated).
S. Hunter, Marino Marini: the sculpture, New York 1993, p. 64 (another cast illustrated p. 65).
M. Meneguzzo, Marino Marini: Il Museo alla Villa Reale di Milano, Milan 1997, no. 13, p. 21 (another cast illustrated).
G. Carandente, Marino Marini: Catalogue Raisonné of the Sculptures, Milan 1998, no. 358, p. 252 (another cast illustrated), as: Rider.
P. Sanders, Herinneringen, Amsterdam, 2009, p. 117 (illustrated).
Rotterdam, Museum Boymans, Marino Marini, 27 February-28 April 1955, no. 31.
Haarlem, Vishal, Facetten der hedendaagse kunst uit drie Nederlandse verzamelingen, 8 September-1 October 1956, no. 8.
Almelo, Kunstkring de Waag, Sculptuur uit verleden en heden. Nederlands particulier bezit, 20 October-2 December 1957, no. 115. Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Man en paard, 11 July-10 September 1958.
Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum, Schiedammers tonen hun kunstbezit, 18 December 1959-16 February 1960, no. 200.
Haarlem, Frans Halsmuseum/De Hallen, Moderne Italiaanse kunst uit Nederlands partikulier en museaal bezit, 12 October-30 November 1969, no. 99.
Amstelveen, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Studio Toscane: Karel Appel, Roberto Barni, 1 October 2011-15 January 2012.
Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Collectie Piet en Ida Sanders. Leven met kunst, 30 June-21 October 2012 (illustrated, pp. 56-57).
Artist's Resale Right ("Droit de Suite"). Artist's Resale Right Regulations 2006 apply to this lot, the buyer agrees to pay us an amount equal to the resale royalty provided for in those Regulations, and we undertake to the buyer to pay such amount to the artist's collection agent.


Alexandra Bots
Alexandra Bots
