Jan van Kessel's fascination with bizarre and exotic subject matter is well exemplified by the present work, which is a highly innovative interpretation of one of Aesop's fables. The Porcupine and the Sna kes offers a coded warning against careless hospitality. According to the fable, a porcupine sought shelter in a cave that housed a nest of snakes. The snakes felt prevailed upon and allowed him in. However, the porcupine's spines caused such discomfort and annoyance that the snakes soon came to rue their decision and asked the porcupine to leave. The porcupine refused saying: 'Let them quit the place that don't like it; for my part, I am well enough satisfied as I am'. In other words, hospitality is a virtue but should be wisely exercised. Without due care and attention it is enemies rather than friends who can be entertained.