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Hans Memling (Seligenstadt 1430/40-1494 Bruges)

The wings of a triptych: Saint Christopher; and Saint James the Greater

Hans Memling (Seligenstadt 1430/40-1494 Bruges)
The wings of a triptych: Saint Christopher; and Saint James the Greater
oil on panel
27 x 8¾ in. (68.5 x 22.4 cm.)
two (2)
Rev. J. Heath, Liphook, Enfield, by 1854.
Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Richard von Kaufmann (1898-1908), Berlin, by 1898; (+), Cassirer und Helbing, Berlin, 4 December 1917 (foreword by W. von Bode, pictures catalogued by M.J. Friedländer).
D.G. van Beuningen, Vierhouten, by 1937.
Paul Ruffo de Bonneval, Bruges, after 1949, and by descent until 1960.
Anonymous sale; Christie's, New York, 12 January 1994, lot 61 (sold $90,500).
G.F. Waagen, Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Byzantine, etc. Pictures now at Kensington Palace, London, 1854, IV, p. 313.
F. Oetker, 'Hans Memling und seine Werke', in Belgische Studien, Stuttgart, 1876, p.375.
L. Kaemmerer, Memling, 1899, p. 68, pl. 61.
F. Bock, Memling Studien, Duesseldorf, 1900, pp. 162-3.
R. von Kaufmann, Gemälde des XIV.-XVI. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung von Richard von Kaufmann, Berlin, 1901, no. 7, pl. 6.
W.H.J. Weale, Hans Memling, London, 1901, pp. 75 and 103.
G. Hulin de Loo, Exposition de Tableaux Flamands des XIVème,
XVème et XVIème siècles. Catalogue critique
, Ghent, 1902, no. 92.
M.J. Friedlaender, Die Brgger Leihausstellung von 1902, Repertorium fr Kunstwissenschaft, 1903, XXVI, p. 84, no. 92.
K. Voll, Die altniederlaendische Malerei van Jan van Eyck bis Memlinc, Leipzig, 1906, p. 197.
K. Voll, Memling, Klassiker der Kunst, 1909, pp. 54-5, illus.
S. Reinhardt, III, p. 455.
G. Huisman, Memlinc, Paris, 1923, p. 59.
Exposition Memling, exhibition catalogue, Bruges, Musée Comunal, 1939, under no. 4 (central panel of altarpiece), where it wrongly states that the wings of the altarpiece perished in a fire.
M.J. Friedlaender, 'The Memling Exhibition at Bruges', The Burlington Magazine, 75, 1939, pp. 123-4.
D. Hannema, Catalogue of the D.G. van Beuningen Collection, Rotterdam, 1949, pp. 39-40, no. 25.
D. Hannema, Petit Palais. Chefs-d'Oeuvre de la collection D.G. van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1952, p. 36, no. 62.
Ebbinge-Wubben, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Rotterdam. Catalogus schilderijen tot 1800, Rotterdam, 1962, p. 89.
L'Opera completa di Memling, M. Corti and G.T. Faggin, ed., 1969, p. 96, no. 22, p. 96.
M.J. Friedlaender, Early Netherlandish Painting, 1971, pp. 23 and 46, no. 6, pl. 22.
B.G. Lane, Hans Memling, Werkverzeichnis. Die grossen Meister der Malerei, Frankfurt - Berlin - Vienna, 1980, no. 46.
D. Martens, 'Le triptyque de Bientina: motifs et sources', in Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 134, 1992, pp. 160-1.
D. de Vos, Hans Memling: The Complete Works, London, 1994, pp. 120-1.
Leeds, Fine Art Exhibition, 1868 (according to a label on the reverse).
Berlin, Austellung von Kunst Werken des Mittelalters und der Renaissance aus Berliner Privatbesitz Veranstaltet von der Kunstgeschichtlichen Gesellschaft, 20 May-3 July 1898.
Bruges, Exposition des Primitifs flamands et d'Art ancien, 15 June-15 September 1902, no. 92 (lent by M. von Kaufmann).
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Clemency Henty
Clemency Henty




These wings originally flanked a Lamentation to form a triptych, which was formerly in the von Kaufmann collection, Berlin. The central panel is now in the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam (68.5 x 52.8cm.; Inv. no. 2471). Dirk de Vos (op. cit.) dates the triptych to circa 1470-75, noting its damaged state.