"There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake, art that stands above classes, art that is detached from or independent of politics. Proletarian literature and art are part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause; they are, as Lenin said, cogs and wheels in the whole revolutionary machine."
Chairman Mao
"I think every painting should be the same size and the same color so they're all interchangeable and nobody thinks they have a better painting or a worse painting. And if the one 'Master Painting' is good, they're all good. Besides, even when the subject is different, people always paint the same painting."
Andy Warhol
This drawing was used as the source image for Andy Warhol's Mao wallpaper that was part of the original installation of the Mao paintings at the Musée Galliera, Paris in 1974.
Chairman Mao
"I think every painting should be the same size and the same color so they're all interchangeable and nobody thinks they have a better painting or a worse painting. And if the one 'Master Painting' is good, they're all good. Besides, even when the subject is different, people always paint the same painting."
Andy Warhol
This drawing was used as the source image for Andy Warhol's Mao wallpaper that was part of the original installation of the Mao paintings at the Musée Galliera, Paris in 1974.