Cf: Die Form, Vol. IV, 1929, p. 426
See also: Gläser, pp. 46-49
Van Geest and Mácel, p. 97
Vegesack, 1986, p. 63
Vitra Design Museum, Exh. Cat. No. 90
Mies' design was originally created as part of his project for the German pavilion at the Barcelona World Fair in 1929. At this time the manufacturer was Berliner Metallgewerbe Joseph Mller Berlin.
In 1931 the technical manager of this company established his own firm, the Bamberg Metallwerkstätten, Berlin which took over production and furnished the Tugendhat Villa, Brnn, (see illustration). Each of these early productions employed standardised, chromed individual elements, (see Lots 59 & 76), but can be differentiated from the other in subtle changes to the inter-connection of half or lap-joints and to the number of leather straps used as secondary supports to the frame.
See also: Gläser, pp. 46-49
Van Geest and Mácel, p. 97
Vegesack, 1986, p. 63
Vitra Design Museum, Exh. Cat. No. 90
Mies' design was originally created as part of his project for the German pavilion at the Barcelona World Fair in 1929. At this time the manufacturer was Berliner Metallgewerbe Joseph Mller Berlin.
In 1931 the technical manager of this company established his own firm, the Bamberg Metallwerkstätten, Berlin which took over production and furnished the Tugendhat Villa, Brnn, (see illustration). Each of these early productions employed standardised, chromed individual elements, (see Lots 59 & 76), but can be differentiated from the other in subtle changes to the inter-connection of half or lap-joints and to the number of leather straps used as secondary supports to the frame.