JACK SMITH (1928-2011)

Talking Head

成交价 英镑 12,500
英镑 10,000 – 英镑 15,000
拍品终止拍卖: 2021年3月2日
JACK SMITH (1928-2011)

Talking Head

成交价 英镑 12,500
拍品终止拍卖: 2021年3月2日
成交价 英镑 12,500
拍品终止拍卖: 2021年3月2日
  • 細明
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JACK SMITH (1928-2011)
Talking Head
signed and dated 'Jack Smith/57' (lower right), signed again, inscribed and dated again 'MR & MRS STEIN/JACK SMITH 57./TALKING/HEAD.' (on the reverse)
oil on board
60 x 48 in. (152.4 x 121.9 cm.)
Painted in 1957.
Mr and Mrs Stein, London.
Anonymous sale; Bonhams, London, 6 March 2007, lot 110, where purchased by the present owner.
Exhibition catalogue, Jack Smith: Paintings, Drawings and Reliefs from 1949-1959, London, Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1959, n.p., no. 22, pl. VII.
Exhibition catalogue, Jack Smith: Paintings and Drawings 1949-1976, Sunderland, Sunderland Arts Centre, 1977, p. 64, illustrated.
N. Lynton, Jack Smith: A Painter in Pursuit of Marvels, London, 2000, p. 18, illustrated.
Sheffield, Graves Art Gallery, Greaves and Smith, January - February, no. 42, catalogue not traced.
London, Whitechapel Art Gallery, Jack Smith: Paintings, Drawings and Reliefs from 1949-1959, May - June 1959, no. 22.
Sunderland, Sunderland Arts Centre, Jack Smith: Paintings and Drawings 1949-1976, January - February 1977: this exhibition travelled to Sheffield, Mappin Art Gallery, March - April 1977; and Birmingham, Ikon Gallery, 1977.


Pippa Jacomb
Pippa Jacomb Director, Head of Day Sale


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