RESTORATION DRAMA — A collection of 20 separately bound plays, including:
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RESTORATION DRAMA — A collection of 20 separately bound plays, including:

RESTORATION DRAMA — A collection of 20 separately bound plays, including:

1. SHADWELL, Thomas (c.1642-1692). The History of Timon of Athens, the man-hater. London: J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Henry Herringman, 1678. First edition of this Shakespeare adaptation, one of two settings of the title date and leaf A4. ESTC R18723; Pforzheimer, 917; Wing S-2846.

2. [TROTTER, Catharine (1679-1749)]. Agnes de Castro, a tragedy. London: H. Rhodes, 1696. Only edition, founded on Aphra Behn's novel of the same name. ESTC R13402; Wing C-4801.

3. MOTTEUX, Peter Anthony (1660-1718). The Novelty. Every act a play. Being a short pastoral, comedy, masque, tragedy, and farce after the Italian manner. London: Rich. Parker, 1697. Only edition. ESTC R36606; Wing M-2958.

4. [CENTLIVRE, Susanna (c.1667-1723)]. The Stolen Heiress or the Salamanca Doctor outplotted. A comedy. London: William Turner, [1703]. Only separate edition. ESTC T26863.

5. SMITH, John. Cytherea, or The Enamouring Girdle. A new comedy. London: Langly Curtis, 1677. Only edition. ESTC R14120; Wing S-4122 – And 15 other volumes.

Together 20 volumes, quarto (most c.210 x 155mm). (Some leaves cropped into printed text, occasional staining). Various 19th-century bindings (some lightly rubbed with small chips).

Includes first editions of works by dramatists such as Thomas Shadwell, Nahum Tate, Catharine Trotter, and Susanna Centlivre. A full list and condition report is available on request.
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Robert Tyrwhitt
Robert Tyrwhitt

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