Lot Essay
Mathieu Criaerd, maître in 1747.
The present lot is closely related to the four commodes supplied by Joubert in 1754 for the King's hunting lodge near St. Germain en Laye, Le pavillion de la Muette. The entry in the Journal du Garde Meuble de la couronne reads as follows:
Du 28 Juin 1754
Livré par le S. Joubert Ebéniste
Pour server dans les nouveaux logemens du Château de la Muette
No. 1939: Quatre commodes de bois violet et bois de rose à placages et dessus de marbre de brèche d'alep, ayant pardevant deux grands Tiroirs fermans à clef, avec entrées de serrures, mains fixes, cartouches et divers ornemens de bronze doré d'ormoulu, longues de 4 pieds 2 pouces sur 2 pieds de profondeur, et 30 pouces de haut. (Archives Nationales 013316, folio 22vo)
The mention of Joubert in the entry of the Journal du Garde Meuble would appear to conflict with the stamp of Criaerd found on the suite of commodes. It is known, however, that Joubert received so many commissions from the Crown that he sub-contracted various of these to some of his colleagues, such as the celebrated lacquer commode supplied by Joubert to the Bedchamber of Louis XV at Fontainebleau, which is stamped by Nicolas-Jean Marchand (P. Verlet, French Royal Furniture, London, 1963, p. 107).
The present lot is closely related to the four commodes supplied by Joubert in 1754 for the King's hunting lodge near St. Germain en Laye, Le pavillion de la Muette. The entry in the Journal du Garde Meuble de la couronne reads as follows:
Du 28 Juin 1754
Livré par le S. Joubert Ebéniste
Pour server dans les nouveaux logemens du Château de la Muette
No. 1939: Quatre commodes de bois violet et bois de rose à placages et dessus de marbre de brèche d'alep, ayant pardevant deux grands Tiroirs fermans à clef, avec entrées de serrures, mains fixes, cartouches et divers ornemens de bronze doré d'ormoulu, longues de 4 pieds 2 pouces sur 2 pieds de profondeur, et 30 pouces de haut. (Archives Nationales 013316, folio 22vo)
The mention of Joubert in the entry of the Journal du Garde Meuble would appear to conflict with the stamp of Criaerd found on the suite of commodes. It is known, however, that Joubert received so many commissions from the Crown that he sub-contracted various of these to some of his colleagues, such as the celebrated lacquer commode supplied by Joubert to the Bedchamber of Louis XV at Fontainebleau, which is stamped by Nicolas-Jean Marchand (P. Verlet, French Royal Furniture, London, 1963, p. 107).