MOHOLY-NAGY, Lázló. Malerei Photografie Film. Bauhausbücher 8. Munich: Albert Langen, 1925. 4° (230 x 180 mm). Approximately 100 black and white photographs. Original photo-illustrated wrappers (lower panel split at the spine and with loss at the lower edge touching the imprint).
MOHOLY-NAGY, Lázló. Malerei Photografie Film. Bauhausbücher 8. Munich: Albert Langen, 1925. 4° (230 x 180 mm). Approximately 100 black and white photographs. Original photo-illustrated wrappers (lower panel split at the spine and with loss at the lower edge touching the imprint).

MOHOLY-NAGY, Lázló. Malerei Photografie Film. Bauhausbücher 8. Munich: Albert Langen, 1925. 4° (230 x 180 mm). Approximately 100 black and white photographs. Original photo-illustrated wrappers (lower panel split at the spine and with loss at the lower edge touching the imprint).

FIRST EDITION OF MOHOLY-NAGY'S HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL NEW VISION MANIFESTO. It is Moholy-Nagy's 'first attempt to lay out his entire theory and program for photography, and ultimately, for the transformation of human vision' (101 Books). 101 Books, pp.44-5 ('still infectious'); The Photobook, vol. I, pp.92-3 ('immediately successful and highly influential'). Cf. Fotografia Pública, pp.177-8 ('his importance as an educator was decisive'); The Open Book, pp.60-1; Regards à travers le livre 18 ('very important').

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