Winthrop pattern, comprising:
Eighteen game forks, with stainless steel tines
Eighteen fish forks
Eighteen ramekin forks
Eighteen oyster forks
Thirty-six entree forks
Eighteen salad forks with silver-gilt tines
Eighteen dinner forks
Eighteen silver-gilt fruit forks
Eighteen silver-gilt pastry forks
Eighteen silver-gilt ice cream forks
Eighteen berry forks with silver-gilt tines
Eighteen fish knives, with stainless steel blades
Thirty-six entree knives, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen game knives, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen dinner knives, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen fruit knives, with silver-gilt blades
Eighteen silver-gilt dessert knives
Eighteen butter spreaders
Eighteen tea knives, with stainless steel blades
Twelve orange knives, with stainless steel blades
Six salt spoons
Eighteen fruit spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Eighteen sorbet spoons
Eighteen soup spoons
Eighteen silver-gilt coffee spoons
Eighteen silver-gilt ice cream spoons
Eighteen chocolate spoons
Eighteen bouillon spoons
Eighteen teaspoons
Eighteen dessert spoons
Eighteen iced tea spoons
Twelve egg spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Twelve orange spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Thirty six afternoon teaspoons
Six large serving spoons
Six large serving forks
Two large vegetable spoons
Two large macaroni serving forks, with stainless steel blades
Two large crumb scrapers, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen small asparagus tongs
Two pairs of large asparagus tongs
Two large fish knives
Two large fish forks
Two gravy ladles
Two olive forks
Two olive spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Two jelly knives
Eighteen lobster picks
Two horseradish spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Two mustard spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
One pair of ice tongs
Two small sauce ladles
Two caviar spoons
A condiment spoon
Two silver-gilt petit fours servers
Two pairs of silver-gilt grape scissors
Two silver-gilt cheese knives
Two silver-gilt cheese servers
Six silver-gilt bon bon spoons
Two silver-gilt sugar sifters
Two silver-gilt sugar tongs
Two silver-gilt cream ladles
Two silver-gilt pastry servers, with stainless steel blades
Two silver-gilt ice cream servers
Two salad spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Two salad forks, with silver-gilt tines
One lettuce fork
Two berry spoons, one with pierced bowl
Two cold meat forks
Two large preserve spoons
One bread fork
One ice spoon
One egg server
One pea server
One waffle server
One pie knife, with stainless steel blade
One punch ladle, with silver-gilt bowl
One oyster ladle
One soup ladle
One potato chip server
One chafing dish spoon, with part-ivory handle
One chafing dish fork, with part-ivory handle
One gravy spoon
One roast fork, with stainless steel blade
One pair of game shears, with stainless steel blade
One pair of game carver and fork, with stainless steel blades
One pair of meat carver and fork, with stainless steel blades
One sharpening steel, with stainless steel blade
Two cucumber servers
Two jelly spoons
Three sandwich tongs
One cheese scoop
One sugar spoon
One sardine fork
One lemon fork
One pair of sugar tongs
Two tomato servers
Six pairs of nutcrackers, with stainless steel grips
Twelve nut picks,
in a fitted canteen with brass mounts, on stand, with dated and inscribed plaque
851 oz. 10 dwt. weighable silver (801)
Winthrop pattern, comprising:
Eighteen game forks, with stainless steel tines
Eighteen fish forks
Eighteen ramekin forks
Eighteen oyster forks
Thirty-six entree forks
Eighteen salad forks with silver-gilt tines
Eighteen dinner forks
Eighteen silver-gilt fruit forks
Eighteen silver-gilt pastry forks
Eighteen silver-gilt ice cream forks
Eighteen berry forks with silver-gilt tines
Eighteen fish knives, with stainless steel blades
Thirty-six entree knives, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen game knives, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen dinner knives, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen fruit knives, with silver-gilt blades
Eighteen silver-gilt dessert knives
Eighteen butter spreaders
Eighteen tea knives, with stainless steel blades
Twelve orange knives, with stainless steel blades
Six salt spoons
Eighteen fruit spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Eighteen sorbet spoons
Eighteen soup spoons
Eighteen silver-gilt coffee spoons
Eighteen silver-gilt ice cream spoons
Eighteen chocolate spoons
Eighteen bouillon spoons
Eighteen teaspoons
Eighteen dessert spoons
Eighteen iced tea spoons
Twelve egg spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Twelve orange spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Thirty six afternoon teaspoons
Six large serving spoons
Six large serving forks
Two large vegetable spoons
Two large macaroni serving forks, with stainless steel blades
Two large crumb scrapers, with stainless steel blades
Eighteen small asparagus tongs
Two pairs of large asparagus tongs
Two large fish knives
Two large fish forks
Two gravy ladles
Two olive forks
Two olive spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Two jelly knives
Eighteen lobster picks
Two horseradish spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Two mustard spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
One pair of ice tongs
Two small sauce ladles
Two caviar spoons
A condiment spoon
Two silver-gilt petit fours servers
Two pairs of silver-gilt grape scissors
Two silver-gilt cheese knives
Two silver-gilt cheese servers
Six silver-gilt bon bon spoons
Two silver-gilt sugar sifters
Two silver-gilt sugar tongs
Two silver-gilt cream ladles
Two silver-gilt pastry servers, with stainless steel blades
Two silver-gilt ice cream servers
Two salad spoons, with silver-gilt bowls
Two salad forks, with silver-gilt tines
One lettuce fork
Two berry spoons, one with pierced bowl
Two cold meat forks
Two large preserve spoons
One bread fork
One ice spoon
One egg server
One pea server
One waffle server
One pie knife, with stainless steel blade
One punch ladle, with silver-gilt bowl
One oyster ladle
One soup ladle
One potato chip server
One chafing dish spoon, with part-ivory handle
One chafing dish fork, with part-ivory handle
One gravy spoon
One roast fork, with stainless steel blade
One pair of game shears, with stainless steel blade
One pair of game carver and fork, with stainless steel blades
One pair of meat carver and fork, with stainless steel blades
One sharpening steel, with stainless steel blade
Two cucumber servers
Two jelly spoons
Three sandwich tongs
One cheese scoop
One sugar spoon
One sardine fork
One lemon fork
One pair of sugar tongs
Two tomato servers
Six pairs of nutcrackers, with stainless steel grips
Twelve nut picks,
in a fitted canteen with brass mounts, on stand, with dated and inscribed plaque
851 oz. 10 dwt. weighable silver (801)
Sale room notice
Please note that the pattern is San Lorenzo.