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Un plaidoyer pour la modernité - Collection Lise et Roland Funck-Brentano

Un plaidoyer pour la modernité - Collection Lise et Roland Funck-Brentano

Sale Overview

Figures du barreau de Paris, Lise et Roland Funck-Brentano ont marqué l’histoire de l’art moderne en tant que collectionneurs passionnés. Cet ensemble regroupe des pièces marquantes de l’art du XXe siècle, avec des œuvres de grands maîtres tels que Hans HartungFrancis PicabiaAlexander Calder ou encore Victor Vasarely et Auguste Herbin.

Parmi les trésors cachés de cette collection, notons un fabuleux relief en bois de Sophie Taeuber-Arp de 1936, la plus importante œuvre de l’artiste jamais passée en vente publique, et une huile sur toile de Pierre Soulages de 1954, caractéristique de son travail sur les noirs et les textures.

Auction times
08 Apr 03:00 PM (CEST) Lots 1-43

Our specialist’s selection

Brought to you by

Antoine Lebouteiller

Antoine Lebouteiller

Head of Department | Impressionist & Modern Art

Antoine Lebouteiller is the Head of the Impressionist and Modern Art department at Christie’s France. Antoine first joined Christie’s in 2009 in Paris, and has worked since 2013 at the London office as a Specialist for the Day and Works on Paper sales and later as Director and Senior Specialist for the Evening Sale. In December 2018, he rejoined the Paris team, leading the Avant-Garde and Works on Paper Sales.

Antoine worked closely with Deputy Chairman Olivier Camu on the Art of the Surreal evening auctions and was instrumental in the record-breaking sale of the Claudel bronze group in June 2018. Furthermore, he played a seminal role for many acquisitions by major international institutions, including an important Paul Gauguin ceramic acquired by the Musée d’Orsay during the October 2018 Unbreakable sale, of which he was the Impressionist lead.

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