- Lot 101
Domenico Gnoli (1933-1970)
Le Scarpe (The Shoes)
EstimateGBP 60,000 - 80,000Price RealisedGBP 86,500 - Lot 103
Mimmo Rotella (1918-2006)
Chi ha perduto queste note? (Who lost these notes?)
EstimateGBP 40,000 - 60,000Price RealisedGBP 152,500 - Lot 105
Enrico Castellani (b. 1930)
Superficie bianca
EstimateGBP 400,000 - 600,000Price RealisedGBP 1,314,500 - Lot 106
Michelangelo Pistoletto (b. 1933)
Ficus (Fig)
EstimateGBP 250,000 - 350,000Price RealisedGBP 458,500 - Lot 107
Marina Apollonio (b. 1940)
Dinamica circolare s4 (Circular dynamic s4)
EstimateGBP 30,000 - 40,000Price RealisedGBP 92,500 - Lot 108
Carla Accardi (1924-2013)
Verderossogiallonero (Greenredyellowblack)
EstimateGBP 60,000 - 80,000Price RealisedGBP 170,500 - Lot 109
Paolo Scheggi (1940-1971)
Intersuperficie curva
EstimateGBP 50,000 - 70,000Price RealisedGBP 254,500 - Lot 111
Paolo Scheggi (1940-1971)
Intersuperficie curva bianca
EstimateGBP 100,000 - 150,000Price RealisedGBP 314,500 - Lot 112
Agostino Bonalumi (1935-2013)
Grigio (Gr e y)
EstimateGBP 150,000 - 200,000Price RealisedGBP 302,500 - Lot 114
Salvatore Scarpitta (1919-2007)
Red Dust
EstimateGBP 180,000 - 250,000Price RealisedGBP 338,500 - Lot 116
Enrico Castellani (b. 1930)
Superficie bianca
EstimateGBP 400,000 - 600,000Price RealisedGBP 698,500 - Lot 117
Lucio Fontana (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 300,000 - 500,000Price RealisedGBP 362,500 - Lot 118
Lucio Fontana (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 400,000 - 600,000Price RealisedGBP 410,500 - Lot 119
Giacomo Balla (1871-1958)
Trasformazione forme spiriti
EstimateGBP 120,000 - 180,000Price RealisedGBP 206,500 - Lot 120
Giorgio de Chirico (1888-1978)
Una camera nel museo
EstimateGBP 200,000 - 300,000Price RealisedGBP 254,500 - Lot 125
Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994)
Colonna (Column)
EstimateGBP 1,500,000 - 2,000,000Price RealisedGBP 2,434,500 - Lot 129EstimateGBP 1,000,000 - 1,500,000Price RealisedGBP 1,142,500
- Lot 130
Michelangelo Pistoletto (b. 1933)
Bimbo e cane
EstimateGBP 800,000 - 1,200,000Price RealisedGBP 938,500 - Lot 132
Lucio Fontana (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 800,000 - 1,200,000Price RealisedGBP 1,314,500 - Lot 133
LUCIO FONTANA (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 800,000 - 1,200,000Price RealisedGBP 1,022,500 - Lot 134
Lucio Fontana (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 280,000 - 350,000Price RealisedGBP 962,500 - Lot 137
Enrico Castellani (b. 1930)
Superficie bianca
EstimateGBP 350,000 - 500,000Price RealisedGBP 578,500 - Lot 138
Enrico Castellani (b. 1930)
Superficie rossa
EstimateGBP 350,000 - 500,000Price RealisedGBP 698,500 - Lot 139
Alberto Burri (1915-1995)
Combustione plastica
EstimateGBP 1,000,000 - 1,500,000Price RealisedGBP 1,538,500 - Lot 140
Piero Dorazio (1927-2005)
Sottovoce bleu
EstimateGBP 100,000 - 150,000Price RealisedGBP 278,500 - Lot 141
Giorgio de Chirico (1888-1978)
Mobili nella valle
EstimateGBP 700,000 - 1,000,000Price RealisedGBP 746,500 - Lot 142
Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964)
Natura morta
EstimateGBP 300,000 - 500,000Price RealisedGBP 362,500 - Lot 143
Alberto Magnelli (1888-1971)
La cafetière
EstimateGBP 250,000 - 350,000Price RealisedGBP 266,500 - Lot 147
Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994)
Oggi ventisettesimo giorno settimo dell'anno mille nove 100 ottanta otto all'amato Pantheon immaginando tutto (Today the twenty seventh day of the seventh month of 1988 to the beloved Pantheon imagining everything)
EstimateGBP 150,000 - 200,000Price RealisedGBP 338,500 - Lot 148
Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994)
Tutto (Everything)
EstimateGBP 300,000 - 400,000Price RealisedGBP 506,500 - Lot 149
Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994)
Mettere al mondo il mondo (Bringing the world into the world)
EstimateGBP 120,000 - 180,000Price RealisedGBP 182,500 - Lot 150
Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994)
Insicuro non curante (Insecure-Carefree)
EstimateGBP 100,000 - 150,000Price RealisedGBP 206,500 - Lot 151
Alighiero Boetti (1940-1994)
Tra sé e sé (...sedici dicembre uno nove quattro zero a Torino...) (Between me and myself (…sixteen December one nine four zero in Turin))
EstimateGBP 45,000 - 65,000Price RealisedGBP 47,500 - Lot 152
Jannis Kounellis (b. 1936)
Venez dans l'île de Cythère en pèlerinage avec nous. Jeune fille n'en revint guère ou sans amant ou sans époux (Come to the island of Cythera on a pilgrimage with us. Nary a young girl came back without a lover or husband)
EstimateGBP 200,000 - 300,000Price RealisedGBP 266,500 - Lot 153
Giuseppe Penone (B. 1947)
Ripetere il bosco - Frammento 28 (Repeat the wood - Fragment 28)
EstimateGBP 80,000 - 120,000Price RealisedGBP 92,500 - Lot 154
Lucio Fontana (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 140,000 - 180,000Price RealisedGBP 278,500 - Lot 156
Alberto Burri (1915-1995)
Bianco Plastica B 2
EstimateGBP 300,000 - 500,000Price RealisedGBP 290,500 - Lot 159
Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964)
Natura morta
EstimateGBP 300,000 - 400,000Price RealisedGBP 314,500 - Lot 160
Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964)
Natura morta
EstimateGBP 220,000 - 280,000Price RealisedGBP 290,500 - Lot 161
Lucio Fontana (1899-1968)
Concetto spaziale
EstimateGBP 350,000 - 550,000Price RealisedGBP 386,500 - Lot 162
Arnaldo Pomodoro (B. 1926)
Sfera con Sfera
EstimateGBP 300,000 - 400,000Price RealisedGBP 386,500
Event Date16 OCT 2014 | Live auction 1582
The Italian Sale
Sale Total GBP 27,584,000
Estimates do not include buyer's premium. Sales totals are hammer price plus buyer's premium.
16 OCT 2014
The Italian Sale
Artist, Maker, Author
Item Category
Stylistic Period