Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts Including Americana

Sale Overview
The exceptional printed books in this sale include William Shakespeare’s Third Folio, a first edition of Newton’s Principia, a fine Blaeu Grand Atlas, 49 botanical books (sold to benefit The Holden Arboretum) and a rare presentation copy of Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on the State of Virginia. Among the manuscript and Americana items are a previously unpublished Edgar Alln Poe letter on “The Tell-Tale Heart,” an 1843 Emerson letter to Thoreau, an 1824 Jefferson letter urging a return to “primitive Christianity,” and an 1862 Lincoln letter confronting Gen. George McClellan. At the conclusion of this sale we will offer George Washington’s seven-page, 25 April 1788 letter to John Armstrong endorsing ratification of the new federal Constitution.
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