René Magritte books

René Magritte collaborated on several books that extended his artistic vision beyond the canvas. His illustrations accompanied literary works by Surrealist writers, including Les Chants de Maldoror by Comte de Lautréamont, where his enigmatic imagery complemented the text’s dark and fantastical themes. He also worked on book covers and designs that incorporated his signature motifs, blending literature and visual art in a way that reinforced the mystery and playfulness of his work. These projects highlight Magritte’s deep engagement with Surrealist thought, showing how his ideas transcended painting to influence multiple artistic disciplines.


Précieux ensemble autour d'Aube à l'antipode


Aube à l’antipode. Carnets de bord tenus sous forme de notes analogiques expéditives. Dessins de René Magritte

[MAGRITTE, René (1898-1967)]

Ensemble de lettres, cartes postales, billets, scripts, essais et poèmes adressés à René Magritte et à son épouse Georgette (1901-1986), v. 1936-1974.

MAGRITTE, René (1898-1967) et Alain JOUFFROY (1928-2015)

Aube à l'antipode. Paris : Le Soleil Noir, 1966

[René Magritte (1898-1967)]

Collection of letters, postcards, scripts, essays and poems addressed to René and Georgette Magritte, c.1936 - 1974

BRETON, André (1896-1966) et René MAGRITTE (1898-1967)

Qu'est-ce que le surréalisme? Bruxelles : René Henriquez, 1934.