Thais (0) 7771380779
19th Century Furniture & Works of ArtLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
19th Century SculptureLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
Books & ManuscriptsLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
Early European Sculpture & Works of ArtLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
English Furniture & Works of ArtLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
European Furniture & Works of ArtLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
Science & Natural HistoryLondonClassic Art Cataloguer
Alexandre (0)1 40 76 72 63Read Bio
19th Century SculptureParisSpecialist
Early European Sculpture & Works of ArtParisSpecialist
Eleonora (20) 73892049Read Bio
19th Century Furniture & Works of ArtLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
19th Century SculptureLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Ancient Art & AntiquitiesLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Arms, Armour & Sporting GunsLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Clocks, Marine Chronometers & BarometersLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Early European Sculpture & Works of ArtLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
English Furniture & Works of ArtLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
European Ceramics & GlassLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
European Furniture & Works of ArtLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Gold Boxes & Objects of VertuLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Musical InstrumentsLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Portrait MiniaturesLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Russian Art LondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
SilverLondonSales Coordinator, Classic Art Group
Sarah (0)20 7752 3284Read Bio
Maritime PicturesLondonSpecialist
Scottish ArtLondonSpecialist
Sporting & Wildlife ArtLondonSpecialist
Victorian, Pre-Raphaelite & British Impressionist ArtLondonSpecialist, Head of Sale
Casey 212 707 5910Read Bio
19th Century Furniture & Works of ArtLondonSenior Vice President, International Specialist Head
19th Century Furniture & Works of ArtNew YorkSenior Vice President, International Specialist Head
19th Century SculptureLondonSenior Vice President, International Specialist Head
19th Century SculptureNew YorkSenior Vice President, International Specialist Head
John (0)20 7389 2945Read Bio
Old MastersLondonInternational Deputy Chairman
Sporting & Wildlife ArtLondonDeputy Chairman